25% off all series throughout December!

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Richard Maguire

The Making Bug

The Making Bug

As a kid I wasn't a traditionalist, not by a long shot. I remember me and my brother banging out hundreds of hours competing on the Sega Megadrive. My earliest tool cravings weren't for hand tools either but for the ones with power and noise. I remember my Dad had a...

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New YouTube Videos.

New YouTube Videos.

We have a quick announcement today. We've been working on this new idea for a while but didn't want to mention too much on the blog before now as we've had an unpredictable last year which has made us conscious of false promises. We know now that things are ready to...

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More On Buying Hand Tools

More On Buying Hand Tools

Advice on buying hand tools is always an interesting and provocative subject that has the ability to either enlighten or confuse those new to woodworking. On the surface there are many contradictory approaches to planning your first tool kit, dig a little deeper and...

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Observations On A Craftsman (Part One)

Observations On A Craftsman (Part One)

In our previous workshop time had allowed us to create a systematic approach to building workbenches. The fine tuned layout allowed the work to flow like a human driven conveyor belt; from timber entering through the door to passing over machines, and as the wood...

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Which Wood?

Which Wood?

When thinking of a new project to start a question which always needs to be determined is which wood to use. For personal projects the obvious answer for me is often pine, since I usually have some to hand or know it won't be too expensive if I haven't. But there's a...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I've never been one for resolutions but there's no doubt that today marks a great opportunity to pause and consider what we've been doing for the past year, and what may lay ahead. I hate to sound ungrateful, but I'm making a sigh of relief to see the back of 2014. It...

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Technical Difficulties

We have gotten over many difficulties this year but are still facing a small battle trying to get our internet connection at the new workshop. We've a kind neighbour who has allowed us to sneak access now and then, but as the weather turns ever more dreary the...

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25% off all series throughout December!

 Use code  XMAS2023  at checkout.

Browse the projects here.

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Choosing The Best Face Vice

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Want To Design, Can’t Draw?

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Choosing The Best Mallet

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