What Can I expect? (Video Sneak Peek)

by | May 23, 2013 | 9 comments

Many people have asked us what can they expect from our videos? Will they be on a separate website, on a DVD and do they have to pay for them? Well to be honest these are questions that we have been asking ourselves over and over trying to find the right way to present all the exciting things that we have to share.

Our plan at present is to bring you two forms of content. The first to become available is what we consider to be the ‘TV’ type stuff. Frequent videos that everyone will be able to watch entirely for free within this blog. Although free these will be made to the highest quality we can muster up between the two of us and will include tips, techniques and small projects. They will be short and digestible, perfect if you’re just grabbing lunch in the office or winding down on an evening.

Less frequently we will be creating longer, project videos that very thoroughly take you step by step through the processes. These will come with a price tag and will be available to stream and download for watching whenever, wherever and as many times as you like.

From the very beginning of this blog its been important for us to create a personal output for our ideas and we want the free videos to very much be an extension of this. Of course making videos is not a quick or easy process and so at some point we will need some means to earn and fund them. We envisage that for this kind of content to become a possibility long term we will be needing to look towards sponsorship. For this to become a reality we will need all the help we can get from yourselves in spreading the word – it’s going to be vital to create a keen and sizable audience.

If you’re as excited as we are about the prospect of the videos then please don’t keep quiet about it; tell your friends and anyone whom you think will also be interested. And as Helen said yesterday, be sure to stay notifed by subscribing to our blog.

First full video will be posted next week!

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About Richard Maguire

About Richard Maguire

As a professional hand tool woodworker, Richard found hand tools to be the far more efficient solution for a one man workshop. Richard runs 'The English Woodworker' as an online resource and video education for those looking for a fuss free approach to building fine furniture by hand. Learn More About Richard & The English Woodworker.


  1. Mosquito

    Thanks for the update. Very much looking forward to it 🙂

  2. Ken

    Love It, this is going to be great. Thanks guys 😉

  3. ScottV

    I am looking forward to this venture. Love any guidance involving hand tools and hand tool projects.

    Even then, the old-timey video effects are a bit cheesy, and the vignetting make me feel like I am going blind. Just saying…

    • Richard

      Hi Scott, thanks for your feedback. Don’t worry the old film effects haven’t made it to the full videos! This was just a quick way to emphasise the use of old school tools and techniques brought in to our modern workshop through a very short trailer. I quite liked the vignette myself though 🙂

  4. Ken

    Richard, It would be nice if you addressed your answer to everyone, Instead of ignoring the rest of us.

    I have noticed this in a lot of posts lately. Sorry buddy, but it really hacks me off.

    No offence 😉

    • Helen

      Hi Ken, I’m very sorry this isn’t intended to ignore you at all and I’m very upset that you’ve taken it that way. I’d like to point out that all your comments are gratefully received and it should go without saying that we have acknowledged them and appreciated your support. Due to limited time we like to address comments that include some kind of question or require further explanation.

    • Richard

      Hi Ken, I too would like to add to this. I must say that I can’t help but be a little offended as I like to think that your support is an appreciation of the content that we spend our time on to bring you for free. Please know that our thanks for your input always goes without saying and we hope that the additional comments we do make add to the content for both yourself and additional readers.

      • mihai

        Hi, Helen, Richard,
        I very much appreciate what you’re doing -there.
        You just keep’em coming.
        And thank -you for this.

        • Richard

          Thanks for the support, we’ll be bringing you some more along very soon.


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