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Selling My Workbench

Selling My Workbench

Finally… after taking a bit of a handful on, I've now got my old workbench ready for sale. Most of you will know this bench well. It's been used in most of the videos and has also been the bench that I built 99% of Maguire Workbenches on. It's the bench that built...

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Workbenches For Sale!

Workbenches For Sale!

The workshop stinks of nuts at the moment. I'm also tripping over big wooden vice screws and having to breath in to squeeze by the massive slabs of ash that are sitting there on my trestles. This all feels familiar. It's because I've just finished tarting up some...

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Another Workbench Build Completed!

Another Workbench Build Completed!

Our French workbench build is now complete. If you're interested in this build then have a look at the full details here. Or you can Click Here to Buy Now Your workbench can be a tricky thing to get right. Not so much because the build needs to be complicated, but...

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Squaring Up Drilled Out Mortices

Squaring Up Drilled Out Mortices

Morticing has never been my favourite job. Depending on the size of joint I have various techniques that I use, and for hefty mortices like in our French workbench build, I prefer to drill out the waste rather than go at the whole thing with a chisel. But then I hate...

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25% off all series throughout December!

 Use code  XMAS2023  at checkout.

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