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Woodworking Hand Tools

Understand Your Woodworking Hand Tools – Improve Your Woodworking

Hand tools are the core of what we do and how we build.
There’s many ways to approach your woodworking, but I’ve always believed that a minimal tool kit is the best.

Fewer tools means we  get to understand each one that bit better. We learn how they work, and build up skill with less confusion.
And in all honesty, woodworking by hand is simple. So you really can be minimal.

Below you’ll find all our posts on hand tools.
From saws to hand planes, & drills to marking tools.

There’s thoughts on buying, videos on setting up, and ideas for building you own…

Wide Mouths

Wide Mouths

How wide is too wide when it comes to mouths on wooden planes? When looking out for a used one this could be one of your key areas of concern, but that worry might only be justified towards the finer end of the spectrum, and even then it's a quick and easy fix. A cap...

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