There's a lot of choice when it comes to rip saws. And unfortunately options usually just make things more complicated.So hopefully the video above will help clear up some of the confusion around which saw to reach for or at least give you...
Woodworking Hand Tools
Understand Your Woodworking Hand Tools – Improve Your Woodworking
Hand tools are the core of what we do and how we build.
There’s many ways to approach your woodworking, but I’ve always believed that a minimal tool kit is the best.
Fewer tools means we get to understand each one that bit better. We learn how they work, and build up skill with less confusion.
And in all honesty, woodworking by hand is simple. So you really can be minimal.
Below you’ll find all our posts on hand tools.
From saws to hand planes, & drills to marking tools.
There’s thoughts on buying, videos on setting up, and ideas for building you own…
My Posh Fillister Plane is Just a Roughing Tool
Every now and then I feel like I see something with new eyes. I’m often blow away at the beauty of say the sea, or the sky with a pretty sunrise. It's as though my brain has had a system reset and deleted its memory so I get to see it again like it's for the first...
Quick Homemade Clamps – Small & Large [with video]
In this post I share my favourite design for homemade clamps. They can be made really large or really small to suit your needs. Further down we also include a short video segment from our latest series where I explain further how the clamps work. I've just been...
Perfect Mortice Walls – With A Router Plane [Video Post] The router plane is one of those rare tools that seems to always be in my hand despite not really being an essential in my minimal tool kit.In doesn't quite have the versatility of a chisel which can pretty much come in for...
Simple Straight Edges
Many of you have pointed out my shoddy array of straight-ish, straight edges. I'm often asked if there's a reason why I favour these home made things over something more posh. This is one of those questions where I really wish I had a good answer. I don’t, but I'll...
Second Hand Jointers – Hand Plane Buying Tips
I’m always going on about how much I love a minimal tool kit, but in this post I’m going to rant on a bit, and give you a few pointers if you feel limited by the length of your hand plane. A Number 5, or Jack plane, will comfortably see you through most jobs, but as...
Used Hand Tools – What’s Worth Buying Old?
I truly believe that most people quit woodworking because they don't ever get started. Obsessing over the perfect workbench and buying too many used hand tools can lead to this problem. You should dedicate a weekend to build your workbench. Get it done and stop over...
Saw Horses – Do You Need A Set?
Saw horses are a clat to get out and I'll only use them if I have to (perhaps I'm lazy). But of course they are extremely useful, and it’s nice to know there’s a couple stashed away ready to grab if needed. Whether you need something cheap and nasty, or a sturdy work...
Which Hand Tools Do I Need To Get Started?
It’s a question that we’re asked weekly, and whilst I’m often babbling on about specific tools, I wanted to use this post to bring together a list of the essential stuff that will get a beginner going. You probably know that I like to use minimal tools throughout my...
Choosing The Best Mallet
I'm the most untraditional woodworker who came to traditional woodworking. I just can't stand wooden mallets. To get any sort of clump from them they have to be massive; these huge cumbersome things. And on top of that, they absorb everything. It doesn't matter how...
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Which Saws Are Best For Ripping Thick Stuff? [Video] There's a lot of choice when it comes to rip saws. And unfortunately options usually just make things more complicated.So hopefully the video above will help clear up some of the confusion around which saw to reach for or at least give you...
My Posh Fillister Plane is Just a Roughing Tool
Every now and then I feel like I see something with new eyes. I’m often blow away at the beauty of say the sea, or the sky with a pretty sunrise. It's as though my brain has had a system reset and deleted its memory so I get to see it again like it's for the first...
Quick Homemade Clamps – Small & Large [with video]
In this post I share my favourite design for homemade clamps. They can be made really large or really small to suit your needs. Further down we also include a short video segment from our latest series where I explain further how the clamps work. I've just been...