An Unplugged Life

by | Oct 6, 2014 | 6 comments

I’m a great fan of the work of Tom Fidgen over on his Unplugged Woodshop blog, particularly because he promotes such enthusiasm for hand tools and combines it with his great talent for design. His work is above all else inspirational and allows us to remember that the process of creating and building is often more important than the result itself.

architect's table

Tom’s inspiration is being spread a little wider this month with the launch of his new membership website –
I noticed this over the weekend and thought it was well worth a mention. It appears that the site is brand new at the moment and aims to provide woodworking education from a very unique standpoint, taking you through all processes that can influence a piece. Not only the methods and techniques with the tools, but the lifestyle, inspiration and whole story behind the work. For myself, and working as a craftsman it’s the lifestyle that goes with it that I feel is so important to get right, and it seems that this is something which Tom has nailed (9 hour Netflix benders don’t exactly go hand in hand with the passion of a craftsman!).

Tom has devoted a huge amount of time and work to his blog over the years, and doesn’t seem to be lacking in the drive needed to take a concept and follow it through to a great result. A drive that we could all benefit from at times when we find ourselves staring blankly at a pile of wood and thinking…I’ll just pop that kettle on first…

If you’re in need of a bit of inspiration then now might be a good time to pop over and take a closer look
Wishing Tom all the best in his new venture.

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About Richard Maguire

About Richard Maguire

As a professional hand tool woodworker, Richard found hand tools to be the far more efficient solution for a one man workshop. Richard runs 'The English Woodworker' as an online resource and video education for those looking for a fuss free approach to building fine furniture by hand. Learn More About Richard & The English Woodworker.


  1. Jeremy Hanson

    Yup, it is because guys like Tom and you that people like me with families and day jobs can still learn and grow as craftsmen. Thanks for everything you are doing to promote the craft.

  2. Dan Noall

    Love Tom’s work and designs.

  3. Ken

    I have been watching Tom’s work for a while now, and I have his books. Need I say more. 😉

  4. Tom Fidgen

    Hi Richard,

    very kind of you to share this with your readers!

    So, I guess the first pint is on me next July? ~; )

    I’ll be in Somerset teaching with The New English Workshop and would love to stop by to see your new shop.
    I’ll email you in the Spring time and we can make a plan.
    Just wanted to say hi and thanks for spreading the word about an Unplugged Life.

    all the best~

    • Richard

      No problem Tom, a pint sounds great indeed, I could show you a few hot spots for a good pub brawl. It would be fantastic if you can make it out here during your trip I’ll very much look forward to it, and again all the best with everything.

  5. Peter Nelly

    One more blog to be inspired by, and learn from! Is this conducive with a craftsman lifestyle?


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