The EnglishWoodworker Videos – Update

by | Oct 9, 2013 | 30 comments

We’ll be wrapping up our final video on the Wall Cupboard very soon and this will mark the end for us of our ‘trial’ video making. When we started with the videos earlier this year we had no idea how to go about things so we decided to learn on the job and see how it went. Getting Richard to talk for the camera became a serious challenge but now finally he’s feeling a little more comfortable and we’re about ready to reflect over everything that we’ve learnt to start giving our videos some serious attention. With time we’re looking to incorporate both these and our blog as a big part of our work.

english woodworker videos

Creating the videos to date has allowed us to see that above all we really do enjoy making them and that was the most important test for us. It’s also given us a good idea of the direction we’d like to take them in and for this we’ll be having our own subtle approach to education. The main job will be in keeping you entertained and we hope to make them watchable whether you’re a pro or a complete beginner but there’ll always be plenty to pick up and learn.

I’m happy to confess that we’ve started out with videos about simple techniques and projects because it made it easier for us to get to grips with making them, but our aim is to bring in a mix of projects to suit various skill levels as we continue. We’re aware that many of you already have your own experiences and approaches that work well so we’re very keen not to stand on a pedestal and preach about any one method being the best and the only. There is always more than one way to skin a cat and we much prefer to show you a method rather than tell you how it should be done.
The biggest change will be in the frequency. So far we’ve been pretty slow both getting the videos published and replying back to comments and we aim to alter this. We’ll be creating a new schedule to allow the videos to become better integrated in to our workload.

We’re very excited to push forward and appreciate any suggestions that you might have.
The changes to our schedule will take a bit of time, not least because we’ve made a pretty big decision this year which we’re putting in to action in the next few weeks – keep an eye out for details on that or subscribe for email updates. In the meantime each of our current videos can be found through this page if you haven’t seen all seven then now’s a good time to have a watch.

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About Helen Fisher

About Helen Fisher

Helen seeks to explore ways to live with greater joy & sustainability for both ourselves & the planet. Concepts which have led to the launch of her second business We Are Carbon. As the producer of our videos, Helen brings a unique perspective & injects life to our education ensuring it is both a pleasure to watch & easy to follow & learn from. Learn More About Helen & The English Woodworker.


  1. Ken

    Way to go guys, good job. 😉

  2. Richard Olson

    Sorry, I couldn’t wait. I made four cupboards. One each in Pine, Mahogany, Oak (God do I hate Oak) and Cherry. Because of my impatient nature I hung each door with hardware. Perhaps I’ll make another if you show how to hang the door sans hardware.

    Richard (the one in Minnesota)

    • Helen

      Fantastic, you’re getting near to batch production now! I’m sure you’ll have space to squeeze in another one after the final video?

  3. Barry Lowis

    Hi Helen and Richard – we really appreciate your videos – I have tried video editing and know how tricky and time consuming it can be to achieve the quality you do. many thanks. Barry

  4. Mark Armstrong

    Glad to hear you are going to do more videos.
    I love your down to earth approach and sense of humour. 😉

  5. Charles

    I think your videos are great – the balance between education and humour is just right. Please, please, please continue as often as your busy lives allow!

  6. Oscar Vázquez

    I follow your work since you published the making of the small clinched box to show your beautiful “Little John” workbench.

    I really apreciatte your great work and your very inspirational videos. Of course, I will continue following your interesting blog articles.

    Best regards from Girona, Catalonia


  7. Paul Saffold

    Oh my! I afraid you neophytes in the video world are in for a rough time from the animal rights activist. Skinning cats. That sounds like something we’d do over here on the uncivilized side of the pond.
    Seriously, love your videos. Richard seems like a natural in front of the camera. Looking forward to more.

    • Helen

      Lol. Yep, it sounds pretty barbaric out of context! I’m really pleased Richard’s looking natural, I just have to go through breathing exercises with him before hand!

  8. Daniel Bornhoeft

    Keep it up! I really enjoyed these videos. I plan on making two of the cupboards worth my two sons .

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge!


  9. Graham Haydon

    Excellent stuff. So refreshing to read a woodworking blogger write about “a” method rather than telling us there is only one true way. Keep up the good work. And btw, my Tomes holdfasts work like a dream!

    • Helen

      Thanks Graham, I’m pleased the holdfasts are doing the job.

  10. Danny

    I really like your work and I’m glad to hear that you will be making more videos. Speaking of more ways to skin a cat, I could use a new pair of slippers. Keep up the good work.

  11. Richard B.

    You both have done a remarkable job. I enjoy reading and watching everything. Keep up the good work, please.

  12. Steve Jones

    Glad to hear you’re going to keep it up and even pick up the pace a bit. Richard reminds me of St. Roy in his matter-of-fact delivery tinted with humor. And over here in the Colonies, I enjoy his accent and figures of speech that to my ear are kind of comical. Oh, yeah; the techniques are often new to me or just presented in a fresh way. So please keep up the good work – you’ve got an audience.

    • Helen

      Thanks Steve, it’s always hard to know how the accent and expressions will be understood overseas so this is great to read!

  13. Mark

    Thanks for your efforts. I have been both entertained and educated. I look forward to future videos.

  14. Darren Brewster

    Thanks for everything you do. Your videos have a unique voice and have been very refreshing to watch. Can’t wait for the next batch!

  15. DenverGeorge

    Speaking of different ways to skin a cat. Watching your video on clinching nails showed me a different way to clinch, one that I really like because it gives more control as to the direction of the fold over for the nails. Keep ’em coming!

    • Helen

      Thanks, It’s really to good to hear that you’ve found the technique useful.

  16. Marty Backe

    Looking forward to the future videos.

    For what it’s worth, I think Richard has a very good presence in the videos – he’s a natural (or he’s very at acting natural).

  17. Daniel G

    I really enjoy the videos, like most here. I’m surprised to hear that this video making business is new to you – i’s very well put together.

    I think the only thing I could suggest is improving the sound – it’s quite echo-y in the little room you’re in, and it makes it a little harder to listen to. The voice-over bits sound much better.

    I’m no sound tech, though, so I’m not sure what the solution is… curtains on the wall, or a different microphone setup?

    Really looking forward to seeing more!

  18. Richard Olson

    How does one go about getting an avatar on this site?

    • Marty Backe

      1) Create an account at Specify the e-mail address that you use in other blogs
      2) Then go to and create an account, which will require your new WordPress account.
      3) Upload the image that you want to show up

      Your ‘gravatar’ should now automagically be used at a lot of blogging sites, wherever you specify the same e-mail address as was used when creating your WordPress account.

      • Helen

        Thanks Marty, that’s really helpful 🙂

      • Richard Olson

        I think I could just as well swim to England with my avatar in my pocket. Do I turn left or right on the Thames?

  19. John S

    I’ve followed your videos from the start, very impressed and most enjoyable – very pleased to hear that you intend to continue making them, many thanks.

  20. Paul Chapman

    Keep up the good work, Richard and Helen. This is currently the best woodworking blog on the internet – very informative, lots of great techniques and very entertaining.

  21. jose clemente

    Gosto muito do seu trabalho e aguardo os futuros.

  22. John Kneidel

    The wall cupboard is next, but I just finished the clinched box. My neighbors are fascinated with the cross between the medieval look of the box, quality of the ship-laps and the way I have the lid fitting so tightly. It was great fun to build and I am looking forward to seeing how you are going to put handles on it.

    Keep up the videos! They are instructional and entertaining! You have a gift;it would be a shame not to share it with those that don’t. Looking forward to whatever is next!


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