The next job in the clean up process was to address timber storage.
Timber for me has to be divided in to different groups by it’s its use and for some time it’s all become merged in to mixed piles. To make it quicker and easier to access the required parts I’ve decided to divide it up and separate it out logically; one area for sections for upcoming benches, another for sections prepared for benches but not currently required (good to have to hand if I make a cock up!). I’d also need an area for rough boards that tend to ‘come in’ quite frequently, and then there’s the matter of everything else.
Everything else consists of a mix of species which I have left over or have bought up for furniture making and much of this is stored in an overhead area in the workshop (another area in desperate need of a tidy up). It also includes many large sections of ash which would be perfect for workbenches but are the wrong size for anything I build as standard. These are now filling a fair chunk of the container space and the workshop already looks clearer for it.
In order to keep the timber for upcoming benches seperate from the reserve stock of ash I decided to make use of some new space at the front of the workshop. I would build just a simple rack to prop the wood against and whilst there wasn’t masses of wood to consider it still prooved a pain in the arse. I needed to build it around a couple of our Wadkin machines which are being stored patiently. This meant that I couldn’t fix the rack directly to the wall but had to build it right out using plenty of fixings to make things strong. I kept the main rack well over length so it could be secured in a number of places to a near by cover – gaining access to fix this meant clamouring about and certainly wasn’t comfortable!
Job done, and I now have a seperate area to keep the necessary timber close to hand.
To learn all about our clutter problems read the previous posts, One and Two.
Great job Richard, man I bet your aggression level went up a few clicks on that one. Mine would have been through the roof, HaHa yeah I can have a short fuse at times 🙂 the heat dose not help.
I do need to sort my work shop out, at the moment I just seem to be moving things and getting no where.
Nice post buddy, I hope it kicks my arse in to gear. 😉
Ha Ha, I must say though, when I finally got myself comfortably positioned over the planer and spindle Moulder, then knocked off the box of 4 inch spax the aggression levels definitely went up.